Terms for repurchase

Terms for repurchase

The interested party is an employee of the client ARVAL CZ, s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as Arval), who had the vehicle in a long-term lease, has used the vehicle directly and is therefore fully familiar with the technical and operational condition of the vehicle and accepts the vehicle in such condition. In the event of a sale to another person (e.g. to a family member), it is the duty of the current user to acquaint that person with the technical and operating condition of the vehicle.

The purchase shall take place while the vehicle is in use (it shall not be returned to the logistics centre) and its
includes a registration check*, which is arranged and paid for by the buyer. Date of termination of the lease
means the date on which we receive payment for the vehicle into our company's account as stated in the Proposal for of the Purchase Agreement. However, if the vehicle is returned to the logistics centre, we will reserve the vehicle for the period of a maximum of seven working days from the date of the quotation, when the buyer has the option to buy to confirm their interest in the vehicle.


The sale price is set by the owner of the vehicle, Arval, on the basis of data relating to the condition of the
mileage, age, equipment, historical sales of the model and the market situation. This price is fixed and no additional discounts can be requested. The price is final, the fees associated with transfer to the new owner is borne by Arval (except for the cost of the registration inspection, see above). At the time of purchase, we compare the odometer reading of the vehicle being purchased with the mileage log of the registration check from the MOT test and the mileage stated in the (email/web) application for the vehicle. If there is a difference of more than 2,000 km from the odometer reading on the application form, the following may happen,
the buyer will be contacted to adjust the terms.


The buyer will pay the purchase price to Arval's account as instructed in the Purchase Agreement Proposal.
Upon payment, the Proposal becomes the Purchase Agreement. From the date of crediting the Purchase Price to Arval's account, the Purchaser must have the buyer has taken out statutory insurance for the vehicle - compulsory liability insurance, as at that moment he/she will be entitled to the vehicle ownership of the vehicle (Arval terminates the original insurance on this date). When the vehicle is purchased by an employee of our client, the existing stored vehicle is also included in the purchase price. second set of seasonal tyres, but only if the tyres are available and meet the conditions of a generally binding legal regulation, in particular Act No. 361/2000 Coll. Otherwise, the right to them shall lapse without compensation.


*Note: For vehicles with a mileage of more than 160,000 km, Arval requires that the so-called "Technical
Emissions are not required.
A registration check is not excluded and must be carried out in any case. This protects both
Arval and the buyer (that the vehicle is sold without any defects preventing the use of the vehicle).


The terms of the buy-back are fixed by the seller and are unchangeable. If the buyer does not agree
with the purchase price, the Proposal for Contract of Sale or the terms of the purchase, or if the Buyer fails to comply with the terms of the Purchase, the terms will not be fulfilled and the sale of the vehicle will be discontinued.