uživatelské příručky

Frequently asked questions

Where can I go if I need car maintenance?

Arval has a nationwide network of service centres specialising in vehicle repair, maintenance and assistance, with information and technical equipment. Contractors hired by Arval guarantee the quality of the work carried out. We also allow you to book services online or through our call center to find a suitable and reputable partner for your car for the work required and in the shortest possible time. To make a service appointment, fill in the online form HERE

For a map of contracted partners, click HERE

What maintenance/repair costs are not included in my contract?

Certain services are not provided under your contract and as a result will not be approved if your garage requires them from Arval. If you wish to have such a service performed, you may have it performed at your own expense. Below you can see a list of the most common things that are not included in the contract: updating the maps in your GPS, replacing floor mats, buying a charging cable ...
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us - Driver Desk : +420 261 109 109 or go to the My Arval app


Am I allowed to have winter tyres?

It depends on your employer's terms and conditions. You will find this information in the instructions you received from Arval. They are included in the My Arval Mobile app and in My Arval. If you have any further questions, you can contact the Driver Support team on +420 261 109 109

Damage and insurance

Do I have to pay for the damage?

Non-recoverable damage, including damage to windows and tyres, is usually subject to a deductible. The vehicle program indicates whether these costs are on your account or paid by your employer.

Handover of the car

Where will the vehicle be delivered to me?

For your convenience, the vehicle is handed over to our delivery partner. However, handover can be arranged at another location specified by you.

Ordering a car

On average, how long will it take Arval to deliver the vehicle I ordered?

The typical duration is 90 days. However, the delivery schedule is largely out of Arval's control, as it relies on the manufacturer. For new and highly sought-after models, the delivery period might be extended.

General questions

What is the financial background of ARVAL?

Arval is owned subsidiary of the BNP Paribas banking group, which provides us with sufficient financial resources to support our activities.

Can I rent only one vehicle?

Yes, we offer our services to customers with one, ten, hundreds or thousands of vehicles.

If there are more than one dealer in my area, can the vehicle be dropped off at the one I choose?

You are always free to choose your partners for car purchase and maintenance. The condition is that they are an authorised dealer , who is also our partner.

Can I negotiate the length of the lease for, for example, only 24 months?

Yes, Arval provides various products with varying rental durations. Beginning with Arval FLEX, available for a minimum of 2 months, extending to long-term leases of up to 60 months.

Is it also possible to rent a van or pick-up from Arval?

Yes, Arval offers a full range of light commercial vehicles of all makes available on the Czech market.

Under what conditions do you sell cars to third parties after the end of the contract?

At the end of the lease contract, the driver has the option to buy the leased vehicle. The condition is, of course, acceptance of the terms of sale.

Does Arval also offer short-term rentals? For example, for probationary employees or short-term hires?

Arval also offers a complete service in the field of short and medium-term rentals.

Service and maintenance

Can a family member drive the vehicle?

Arval does not restrict the client's vehicle users. However, we recommend that you direct your inquiry to your Fleet Manager to determine if this is in accordance with your internal guidelines.

At what kilometre interval should I schedule regular vehicle check-ups?

The Arval ID card in the driver set has the Driver Services number where you can get the information you need.

Can I select my own car service or tyre service?

Yes, regular inspections and repairs can be provided by any authorised garage or tyre service centre that belongs to the Arval partner network.

How is the vehicle technical inspection carried out?

Arval monitors the age of the vehicles and provides early warning of upcoming inspections. It agrees directly with you as the user on the procedure to be followed. For further details click HERE 

I lost my vehicle papers. What steps do I need to take now?

In the first place, you must report the loss to the police and hand over the police report to Arval, who will then immediately arrange for and send you new documents.


What about seasonal tyre changes?

There are a number of partner tyre services where you can make your own appointments according to your needs. You can find a list of them in the "Service network" section.

Which tyre brands are offered by Arval?

Arval offers a full range of tyre brands.

I require a different brand of tyres than you offer. Is that possible?

Yes, as long as the tyre brand is approved by the car manufacturer and suitable for the model.

I would like bigger tires (bigger than 16 inch). Is this possible?

Tyre sizes must be approved by the car manufacturer. The use of larger tyres is therefore limited to the conditions specified in the manufacturers' catalogue and is subject to the approval of your Fleet Manager.

Adjustment of contract parameters

If I sign a three-year contract for 30,000 km per year but actually drive 40,000 km, how much extra will I have to pay?

Even though the contract is already concluded and it is only subsequently clear that the actual vehicle mileage is higher than originally anticipated, Arval is prepared to modify the contract. Arval itself monitors the mileage and continuously notifies the client of deviations.

Am I allowed to place an advertisement on my vehicle?

Yes, but this is only allowed if the vehicle is returned in its original condition at the end of the contract.

What are the general conditions for terminating the contract?

At the end of the lease, either the driver buys the vehicle or it is returned to Arval.

Insurance claims handling

I am involved in a traffic accident abroad and the police are asking me to sign a report in a foreign language I do not understand. What should I do?

You can sign the protocol and attach to your signature a sentence in the Czech language that you do not understand the protocol and cannot express yourself unless it is translated into Czech. This will ensure that you are able to continue your negotiations and not to admit to something that may not be true.


Is it possible to rent a car without using the fuel card service?

Yes, it is up to your discretion whether to use this service with Arval.

Can we have more than one fuel card?

Yes, we can offer you our partners' cards according to your requirements.

My fuel card is destroyed, stolen or lost!

Call the Driver Services number using your Arval identification card. Arval will provide you with a new card immediately. We recommend that you block the card as soon as possible if it is lost.

Termination of contract

Is it possible to agree on the price of the vehicle in the contract in advance?

At the end of the contract, you are the first person we offer to sell the car to. However, the price cannot be set immediately at the time of the contract, as it depends on the actual mileage at the date of sale.

Is your contract ending and will you be returning the vehicle to us? What should you look out for and what should you remember to return with the vehicle?

The complete information needed to return the vehicle is provided in the "Guide to taking back the vehicle at the end of the leasing contract" , which is available to the fleet manager in each company. The most important of this information can also be found on this website in the "Users" section, under the "Vehicle redemption/return" tab.

Is it possible to buy back a vehicle whose contract has expired?

Yes. Any driver can buy any vehicle they find on the www.arvalauto.cz website at the end of their contract. The buy-back offer is therefore not limited to a specific driver or a specific vehicle. Instructions on how to easily buy a vehicle can be found in the "Users" section, under the "Buying/returning a vehicle" tab.

Let's imagine I want a new car during the contract period. Is this possible? If so, how?

The contract can indeed be terminated early. However, you will have to pay the fees associated with such termination.

Purchase of the vehicle by the driver/employee at the end of the lease

When will you send me the purchase price of the car?

We set prices 2x a week. Every Tuesday and Thursday we send the prices.

What's the next course of action if I'm interested in a car offer?

Simply reply to the email with your purchase price offer and we will provide you with further information.

Can I buy a vehicle in the name of a family member?

Yes, Arval offers this option with the same benefits as for you.

When will I get the purchase contract?

We will send you a "Proposal for the conclusion of a Purchase Contract", and by paying the purchase price this "Proposal" becomes a Purchase Contract. The document is not signed or sent back to Arval. This saves not only time but also nature.

When should I insure my vehicle?

We recommend that you insure the vehicle together with the payment, as on the day the purchase price is credited to Arval's account, the vehicle becomes your property and Arval terminates the original insurance.

Can I arrange the vehicle transfer myself?

Unfortunately, no. As the owners of the vehicle, we want to be in full control of the transfer and see the process through smoothly.

What is the vehicle transfer fee?

None. We pay the fees associated with the transfer of the vehicle as a benefit to you.

When do you arrange the car transfer?

Immediately after delivery of all documentation and after payment for the vehicle is credited to our account.

How long does it take to transfer a car?

We are always guided by the current situation, the vehicle transfer usually takes between 2 and 7 days. We send the finished documentation by registered mail to the buyer, the delivery itself takes approximately 3 working days.

Proč Arval?


Jsme součástí jedné z největších bank na světě - BNP Paribas.


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